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A Few Life Learned Lessons [Watch Video]

Life comes with a lot of trials and tribulations. I’ve learned that you should prepare yourself for what life offers – the good and the bad. Also, if you live a life of satisfaction and gratitude, your days spent on this earth and with your family will be 100% better than living in a world of have’s and have not’s.

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Here’s what I want to share with you. We had a bit of a scare with my father, who went to the hospital… now he’s in a rehab facility. But during that time, I spent a lot of time with my mom because I wanted to make sure she was okay. If we went up to the hospital, I took her up there… but I shared this with my mom the other day.

I go, “you know, mom, we’re never prepared to lose anyone. We don’t want to lose anyone, right? That’s just the reality of life”. I said. But when we were looking at dad, and he wasn’t well, I thought, I have to accept that there will come a time. But what I also realized was I felt no guilt. I felt no feeling of, “I could have done more –– I should have done more”.

When my brother went to be with the Lord when I was 19, that slapped the rose-colored glasses off my face, and I’ve never ignored that feeling. I’ve never ignored it, because it was the worst feeling I could have ever had in my life.

But it was probably the most pivotal time of my life because I saw how fragile life was, and I realized, man, you can’t mess around with this. There’s no messing around with say it now, say it now, say it loud, say it clear. And I want to live my life that way and no fooling around, no stammering.

Just treat people the way you want to be treated, right? I think that’s the essence of life.

And I think that’s what’s really missing today is that people are trying to be what they’re not. Envy has become the new, “I’ve got 100-foot yacht”, well,”I’ve got 125-foot yacht”, well, God, “I’ve got one in the shipyard”!!!

I met a guy years ago who was a multi-hundred millionaire PLUS, but he had friends who were billionaires, so in his eyes, he was inadequate. I’m thinking when is enough, enough.

It’s going to be 200-foot who bleep and cares because of your selfishness. If you took some of the good that you’ve been blessed with and you actually went ahead and bestowed that upon other people, whether it be in the form of just helping them or creating opportunities, creating jobs, and the like, you realize the world will be a much better place that they’re not worried about because they’re only worried about their own. It’s the accumulation type scenario.

Question of the day: Are you at peace and thankful for all that you have?

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