15614 S. Harlem Ave, Unit E

Navigating October’s Uncertainties: Take A Closer Look At Rising Interest Rates, Stock Market Volatility, Real Estate Taxes, And Social Security

Happy Fall Y’All! What’s your favorite fall activity? Do you have any fall traditions?

I enjoy having friends and family over to watch football while enjoying a nice hearty bowl of chili.

Now those Bears… not such good football!

We closed out the month of September doing some presentations at local venues regarding retirement and estate planning. You know that feeling you get after a good workout, that’s how I feel right before I present.

It’s that combination of a rush of excitement and a sense of accomplishment; I can’t help it. I love my job and the opportunity to help others!

The speaking engagements provide the opportunity to educate others regarding costly mistakes they can make. No one wants to hit a dead end when it comes to their finances. Check out me in my element.

Quite frankly, we are facing some uneasy times between rising interest rates, the stock market, real estate taxes, social security, and more. If you haven’t checked in with us recently, please do so and if you have a friend or family member, send them our way.

Our testimonials attribute to our dedication and service we provide to our clients.

Remember, financial success isn’t accomplished overnight.

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